Swami Sivananda "Sadhana"- preface
"Sufferings are blessings- what a nonsense " you may think. "How suffering can be good? I'm not feeling blessed at all" It's very common and normal human reaction. We avoid pain and we are attracted by pleasant things.
Why? We are thinking about it from body/emotions perspective. If we identify ourselves with body, with it well-being so of course we will avoid everything what can injure it. But...let think about suffer from the perspective of Soul.
Soul is not suffering from physical pain, cold, loneliness. Soul is Soul in every moment. But as pure water mixed with mud is getting dirty , Soul is getting impure if we let our lower nature to take control. So why we have to feel blessed?
As sandpaper cleans the rust, as strong hit open coconut, the
suffer cleans our soul from impurities as greed, pride, fear. Of course you
can polish metal slowly with soft tissue, you can take a knife and start gently
cut the coconut, you will reach your goal but it will take more time, much more time and maybe the result
will not be same.
There is a
quote "What does not kill me makes me stronger" those words have
very deep meaning. Swamiji said "it gives spiritual strength". If we
can deal with problem, next time it will not make you suffer, we know how
to act, it will be easier keep mind calm.
"Storms makes trees take deeper roots"- same meaning.
to karma low we are coming to this life with our personal karma which
we will experience during our life. By suffering we
burn our bad karma faster. We purify the Soul. It could be difficult to be
happy in suffer , but we can try to stay neutral. Often we are thinking
"i don't like it, how can I be happy?", because we forget that
between "happy-?-unhappy" there is also "neutral"
state. Just take this moment as it is.
You have a chance to make your Soul pure faster and you to be stronger.
Om Tat Sat