Sunday 24 August 2014

Surya Namaskar. posture n. 11

Posture n. 11 is same as posture n.2 Urdhva-hastasana

Body: after padahastasana , first straight the knees, stretch the spine and arms forward  (keep arms and head in one line) then up.
Tips: do not bend the body back, only very flexible person can bend the lumbar spine. We practice surya namaskar in the beginning of the class to heat the body and make it more flexible for asanas, but its very easy to hurt the spine and muscles if we practise surya namaskar with force.

Breathing: inhalation

Mantra: ॐ अर्काय नमः (Om Arkaya Namaha)
              Prostration to Him who is fit to be worshipped

"The indivisible, absolute and conscious nature of the reality signifies that life on earth should be lived according to the rigid laws of dispassion towards external existence and active awareness of the Self as the unlimited being. (...) The good life which is in conformity with the nature of Truth should be therefore, free from the oppressions of hatred, lust, greed and falsehood in all their forms of manifestation. The righteous life should be lived with mental peace, self-restrain, absence of agitative activity, fortitude, faith in Truth and concentration of mental consciousness.

                                                    Sivananda, May 14 1962"

 Mantra meaning source from
text- Sivananda "A Great Guru and his Ideal Disciple"

Om Tat Sat

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