Monday, 24 December 2012

Become a bee for a moment or Bhramari practise

One of my favourite pranayama (after kapalabhati :)  is Bhramari. It's quite funny, that's why it's also very good for the children (they like do it ) . Bhramari can be the first pranayama for them.
Bhramara means "bee" , because during exhale we are making the humming sound and it's really beautiful sound when 10 or more persons doing it.

There how Swami Sivananda writing "Sit on Padmasana or Siddhasana. Inhale rapidly through both nostrils making sound of Bhramara, the bee, and exhale rapidly through both nostrils, making the humming sound. You can carry the process till the body is bathed in respiration. In the and inhale through both nostrils, retain the breath as long as you can  do it comfortably and then axhale slowly through both nostrils(...)"

 Thanks to increased circulation of blood this pranayama heat the body, so it's very good exercise for this winter .

*Swami Sivananda "The science of pranayama"

Saturday, 10 November 2012


 The shoulder stand (sarvangasana) is well known from the physical education in the school. 
In the beginning it can be difficult to raise your body (until the chest is close to the chin) and keep it straight. But as in all the asanas it comes with the time. There how Swami Sivananda describe the technics of sarvangasana: 

"Spread a blanket on the floor and lie on the back quite flat. Slowly raise the legs, hips and trunk. Support the back with the two hands and rest the elbows on the ground. Press the chin against the chest. Remain in the Asana for 5 seconds and slowly bring the legs to the ground. Gradually you can increase the period to 20 minutes. This Asana gives wonderful benefits. It keeps the spine elastic and helps you to maintain Brahmacharya. Elasticity of spine means everlasting youth. After performing this Asana, do Matsyasana. You can derive the maximum benefit of Sarvangasana"*

There are the most important elements in this position:

1. Keep straight the knees. Better to raise the hips less than bend the knees.
2. Relax the feet but keep them together. 
3. Close your eyes. Concentrate on your breath
4. If you feel the tiredness bend the knees and put them for the moment on your forehead. 
5. If you can't raise the hips ask your teacher to help you.

Hari Om Tat Sat

*"Easy steps to Yoga" Swami Sivananda
   The source of the photo

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Funny cat yoga

A little bit of fun for the beginning of the week because Yoga it's not only a serious concetration, it's also a laughing for relaxation. Enjoy, and remember: yoga is not inly for human ;) 

Does your pet also doing yoga?

Om shanti!

version française

Friday, 26 October 2012

Anger and its forms

"Anger is a negative Vritti, or whirpool in the mind-lake. It is born of ignorance. (...) Anger is often accompanied by a desire to take vengeance, or to obtain satisfaction from the offending party.

It begins in folly and ends in repentance.

The fire you kindle for your enemy burns yourself.

When anger arises, think of the consequences. It will soon subside.

You think of objects of senses. Attachment to these objects develops. From attachment desire is born. From desire anger comes forth. From anger proceeds delusion; from delusion confused memory; from confused memory the destruction of reason; from destruction of reason you perish"

Swami Sivananada  "Conquest of Anger"

Hari Om Tat Sat

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Devotional music- Krishna Das

Its've been a long time I was in the concert of american singer Krishna Das. He is known for his indian devotional music. For a long time he studied with Neem Karoli Baba, and now he is singing the kirtans and he released the CDs.
His voice is amazing, peaceful and deep.
I recommend his music for verybody who likes kirtans, or Indian music, or music for relax or just for everyone who wants leasten something new.

There you can leasten some albums of Krishna Das.

And there is his official website

Om shanti!

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

"Wisdom in Humour"

There is one new book in my yoga-library writen by Swami Sivananda- "Wisdom in Humour".
There is a set of short stories, poems that give us a spiritual lessons. Numerous metaphors help to the reader easily learn the lesson.
There what Dr Frederick Spiegelberg (professor of Stanford University) said  after he heard some stories during the Satsang at Ananda Kutir: "Swamiji, this is just the thing wanted by people today. They would love the humour, but would unconsciously learn the spiritual lesson. The impression made by such teaching would be profound and lasting".

Tere is one of the stories.

An old lady and the needle

One old lady lost the needle in the house.
But she was searching for it outside
In the moon light.
One man asked her,
"O lady, what are you searching here?
She replied, "I lost a needle in the house;
There is a darkness in the house;
I am searching for it here
Because there is good moonlight here"
Wordly people are like this old lady.
They are searching for happiness in outside objects.
O man, look within; control the mind;
You will find bliss in your own Atman.


Thursday, 23 August 2012

Vikalpa Vritti- the action of imagining

"This is one of the five kinds of Vrittis* according to Patanjali Maharshi in Raja Yoga. It does great havoc indeed.Vikalpa Vritti is imagination. Maya* havocs through this Vritti. Fear, worry, co-exist with this Vritti.
There is a rumour that there is cholera in George Town, Madras, the man in the Park Town falsely imagines that he will get cholera. He worries and actually gets cholera out of fear. Your friend did not talk to you, as he was running in haste to catch the train,You imagine that he was offended. There was a rumour that a riot broke out in London. You falsely imagine that your son who was studying in London, might have died. Eradicate these Vrittis thoughts Vichara. Do not identify yourself these Vrittis through Vichara*.
Do not identify yourself with any Vritti. Identify yourself with the Vritti-less Brahman*, and rest peacefully forever."

"Conquest of mind". Swami Sivananda. chapter 10.IV

When everything is good in our life naturally we are relaxed, the thoughts are calm, we have full concetration in what we do. In this moment the mind is getting dull by thinking "too much silence, too quiet, I have to show that I am still here" there the different "what if..." comes : "what if I loose my job tommorow?", "what if my son wouldn't back at home", "what if the rain doesn't stop".
 The mind is the master of imagination.  Dont fight with your thoughts. Let them go.

Hari Om Tat Sat

***Vritti- wave, action
      Maya- ulusion
      Vichara- inquiry (by seeking the real essence of the self, world )
      Brahman- the Absolute

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Home pooja

It's not really necessary go to the temple to worship God, to ask him for the blessing. Everybody can make a little altar at home with Jesus picture, Buddha, or other deity or symbol that remind you about the purity, inner peace and gives you a strength.
 There is my today's pooja at home

Burning incense and candles;  Kurma, Buddha and Rama with Sita

You can just meditate on the picture, it gives you the inner balance. You can sing the mantras- the vibrations of the sound purify yourself and the environment.
Better do it in one separate place, where you can keep purity, calm, and nobody will distract you. Every time when you enter to this room, from the beginning your mind will go to the state of calmness. This is a psychological process, as often you spend the time in this place in the state of harmony, as faster your mind associate the state with the place. Later, even the thought about this place will guide you into the relaxing state.

One more thing to share with you. My three deities from the pictures are the avatars of Vishnu.  Kurma: the second avatar, the turtle incarnation, Rama- the king incarnation, the seventh avatar , and Buddha- the ninth incarnation. In total, there is ten avatars with different history that i will tell you next time


Wednesday, 18 July 2012

"...thank you for your smile"

    This is the true story.
 "Once upon a time, one girl was walking on the street. She was visiting some new city. It was a beautiful sunny day, her heart was full of joy. Suddenly, a poor woman approached to her and asked : "please, can you give me some money?". But the girl hadn't, she didn't took it for a walk, she was only with the camera in the hand. With a smiling face she answered : "I am sorry, I have nothing to give you". Poor woman looked at her eyes and told : "I understand. And sincerely  thank you for your smile" and she smiled also to the girl"

   Sometimes we think that we have nothing to give to other persone. 
The simple, but sincere smile can give a lot. Joyful eyes are the source of positive energy. Did you heard this "she/he has a sparkling eyes" but you dont know why? This is all prana. We can give it and receive it. Smile, touch, word, thought...

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Conquest of fear

"Fear is great enemy of man. It is the enemy of his progress. It disturbs his peace and harmony...Fear is of two kinds, natural or rational fear, when there is a threatening situation to endanger life; and unnatural [...] fear, which has no objective reality...

Ignorance is the cause of fear. He (man) forgot his original, divine nature and was thus caught up in the whirlpool of ignorance...Identification of the body or Dehadhyasa is the cause of fear. ... There is no other way to get rid of fear than realization of the Self.

Raga (attachment) is the long-standing associate of fear. Wherever there is raga, there is fear. Man is attached to his children, house and property, he has fear of losing his house, property and children...You are attached to a fountain-pen, walking stick, book, watch, towel, cloth. Fear slowly creeps in...
Give up attachment to this body by identifying yourself with the bodiless, sexless, pure, all-pervading immortal Atman or Brahman.          

Victory over fear (Pratipaksha-Bhavana-method) . As you think so you become. As you think, so you develop. As is your ideal, so gradually your life will become...Sit with closed eyes in the early morning. Meditate on courage, the opposite of fear, for half an hour. Think of the advantages of courage and the disadvantages of fear. Practice the virtue during the day...Repeat the formula "om courage" mentally, daily several times. Meditate and assert:
      I am all courage  om om om
      I am embodiment of courage om om om
      I am like Bhishma* om om om
      I am a great hero om om om
      My will is very powerful om om om
      I am not afraid of anything om om om
      I am bold and chivalrous om om om
      Courage is my birthright om om om "

extract from "Conquest of fear" by Swami Sivananda

*Bhishma- the son of Kuru King Shantanu. One of the characters in Mahabharata.

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Marigold- Swiss vegetable bouillon powder

Finely, something about the food. I like cooking very mutch, so I am looking and I am trying all the time  the different brands and  components for the cuisine. Healthy food is very important for the body and mind. The more it's fresh and natural the more prana is inside and the more we are strong.

Few days ago I found a great replacement for the typical bouillon powder for my cuisine- Swiss vegetable bouillon. I tasted it and I can tell, yes there is the difference!  It’s more gentle,  less salty and there is no typical umami taste that comes from gluten.
Marigold Health Foods is the British company that distributes vegetarian foods : bouillon, braised tofu, bouillon miso*.

What ccomponents are in this bouillon? There are:  
  • sea salt, 
  • hydrolised vegetable protein, 
  • potato starch, 
  • palm oil, 
  • vegetables 8 % (celery, onions, carrots, leeks) ,
  •  lactose, 
  • spices (turmeric, white pepper, garlic, mace, nutmeg),
  •  parsley,
  •  lovage.    
  Not bad , I think.

The standard bouillon powder contains simple salt, only 4,3 % of vegetables (onion, carrot and parsley) and of course  there is yeast and gluten (the taste of which can be addictive).

How to use it? As you like, for the soup, souse, vegetable or just as a hot drink.
There is one disadvanatages- it's more expensive than simple bouillon. We can by it in different online shopps with ecological foods, in Poland in "Alma", in France in the "comptoire Irlandais" and in the other eco-shops.

So wish you a nice day and deliscious and healthy meals!

Bon appétit!

*this is not commercial information, but just the sharing of the private opinion

Saturday, 12 May 2012

What does yogi can do during the day?

Lot of people think that to be a yogi that's spending half a day doing the asanas and the goal is to tie the body in node. No,  Yogi we can be in every moment in our daily life.

We begin by the morning. What to do? It’s not easy to do all the asanas just after waking up, but we need the energy, so it can be good to do the pranayamas : 3 rounds of kapalabhati and anuloma-viloma. If you have more time, you can do also brahmari, it will awake your voice in the morning. Before the pranayamas you can meditate a little, 10 minutes it’s enough (of course more it’s also good J ) (raja yoga)
When the body is full of energy you can begin your daily activity. Breakfast, work, school, shopping or anything that you need. During the cooking you can sing the mantras, your favourite prayer ( bhakti yoga), also during the walking, washing etc.
A little of karma yoga maybe? You don’t need go to the ashram to do it, just help your parents, wife, husband, friend or anybody. This is your meditation by the work. Sacrifice a part of your time for others, this is a karma yoga in pure state.
In the evening, when the body is quit flexible, do the asanas. Every amount of time is good. More time- more asanas, less time- less asanas. Quite logic.
And one more- jnana yoga. Take a philosophical book, read about universe, mind, God, ask yourself the questions, make your intellect work.

Every activity can be the way for self-realization, for mind-conquest. Eating- choose only satvic food, do not let all the time  the body take the food just because it’s yummy :) , or don’t buy something just because it’s in mode or it’s attracts you (and you know that you have already 3 nearly the same at home J ).
Every relation with people can be also the exercise – the control of the emotions, patience, compassion, this is all the yoga.
Something more? Do what you don’t like to do. You drink the tea only with sugar? So, one day without. Your neighbor is so boring and you avoid him on the stairs? Today stay with him and listen (the example from the last satsang with Swami Atmaramananda. Seemingly Swami Vishnu recommend it J ).
Every day is the time to be a real yogi. Do your duty as well as you can, be concentrate on what you are doing, remember about sadhana, abhyasa and vairagya. Nothing special. Be yourself and little more J
       Hari Om tat sat!

Monday, 30 April 2012

Mind conquest- ten important methods

In the book "Conquest of mind" Swami Sivananda describe ten basic methods that will help us to conquest our mind , that as he told : "is a bundle od desires (Vasanas) and thoughts . To make our mind more obedient we can practise the next ten technics:

  1. Vichara, or asking "who am I". Realisation that "I" does not exist  will annihilate our mind.
  2. Eradication of ego. Our thoughts are centered on the "I". "I" is the source of the desire and will.   Find out what the "I" is,and it will dwindle into airy nothing. "The Sun fo Self-realisation is fully seen when the cloud of ego disappears"
  3. Vairagya- dispassion. "It is distaste for objects of sense-pleasures by finding out the defects in the sensual life. Objects are perishable. Sensual pleasure is momentary and illusory"
  4. Abhyasa- practice. Abhyasa means having an attitude of persistent effort to attain and maintain a state of stable tranquility. 
  5. Asanga- Non attachment. this is the practice of detachment from objects. "Detach attach"- no attachment , no fear to lost it. No fear- no worries in the mind. No worries- no restless. Peaceful mind is in the ceaseless meditation. 
  6. Vasanakshaya- renunciation of desires. "This will lead to annihilation of mind (manonasa). Desire for objects of pleasures is bondage; giving it up is emancipation. Desire is the most essential nature of the mind. Mind and egoism are synonimous"
  7. Pranayama- control of prana. Prana gives the life to our body and our mind. Vibration of prana causes the movement of the mind. The control of prana will stop the activities of the mind.
  8. Sankalpas- control of thoughts." Avoid imagination or day-dreaming. The mind is destroyed when there is no imagination"
  9. Renunciation, equanimity and balance. Renunciation in daily life and balance in every situation.
  10. Devotion and service. There we have a large choise for practise- prayer, devotion, Japa, Kirtan or others devotional songs. 
Swami Sivananda "Conquest of mind"
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

    Hari om tat sat

Friday, 20 April 2012

Swami Sivananda

„But if a man is really selfless he will not care for name and fame. He will do his work with great interest but will not expect any reward for it. Work itself is his reward”[1]

With these three sentences we can describe the life of Swami Sivananda. He was one of the saints and savants in India.
Swami Sivananda was born the 8th September the 1887 in Tamil Nadu. Since the childhood he was open-minded and had an aim- help the people. That’s why he becomes a doctor. Swamiji made a good medical career. He had been editing a health journal and wrote on health problems. As a doctor he was working in Malay. Suddenly he discovered that the people needed not only physical care but almost soul-care, that’s why he abandons his medical career and becomes the ascetic by practicing the yoga and studying the Vedic texts. In 1924 he settled down at Rishikesh for the intense sadhana. But even there he continues to help people in the little hospital. Next years were very fruitful: 
·                 1932- Swami Sivananda started the ashram
·                 1936- he created the Divine Life Society
·                1948 – the creation of Yoga Vedanta Life Society.
      What was the goal of these societies? The main object was training people in yoga and Vedanta and dissemination of spiritual knowledge. Swamiji synthesized the based doctrines of different religions by creating the Yoga of Synthesis that includes four main paths: karma yoga, bhakti yoga, raja yoga and jnana yoga. He teached that there is no less or more important work, every task should be done with love, concentration and responsibility. His life motto (and the motto of Divine Life Society) “Serve, Love, Give, Purify, Meditate, Realize” shows us the main values that we as a human beings have to protect.Swami Sivananda is the author of more than 200 books (ex. “Conquest of mind”, “Vedanta beginners”). He entered in Mahasamadhi the 14th July in the 1963

    Hari Om tat sat

[1] „A great guru and his ideal discipline”- Swami Sivananda

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Bala Atibala mantra

Mantra is a Simple way to meditate, those who can’t concentrate the mind on the abstract object can read or sing the mantras, it gives the same effect: concentration and peaceful mind.  There we are concentrating on the sound, but anyway-  this is the mind conquest.  Mantra is not only the word or sound, every letter makes the vibration that calm down the body (and the mind of course ), at the same time it purifies the nadis.
In the Ramayana, we can read the next words “And on going one and half yojana distance Vishvamitra addressed Rama in a harmonious voice calling, 'oh, Rama', on the southern riverbank of Sarayu. Take water, my boy, and like that you receive a group of hymns, bala and atibala from me, and let no time lapse.” (Book I Bala-Kanda, Chapter 22)
So, what is the Bala and  Atibala mantra that the sage Vishvamitra initiated Rama and his brother Lakshman?
Bala and Atibala mantras remove the thirst and hunger. Vishvamitra said “neither tiredness nor fever, nor disfiguring of personality can effect you” (Book I Bala-Kanda, Chapter 22)
This mantra has one more advantage: the long words to be read really involve a strong concentration  :)  So your mind makes the good concentration exercise :)
So let see the text :
balaatibalayoh viraat purusha rishih |
gaayatrii devataa | gaayatrii chandah |
akaara okaaramakaaraa biijaadyaah |
 kshudhaadi nirasane viniyogah|
klaamityaadi shadanga nyaasah |
klaam angushtaabhyaam namah |
kliim tarjaniibhyaam namah | kluum madhyamaabhaamnamah |
klaim anaamikaabhyaam namah | klom kanishtikaabhaam namah |
klah karatalakaraprishtaabhyaam namah ||klaam hridayaaya namah |
kliim shirase svaahaa | kluum shikhaayaivashat | klaim kavacaaya hum |
klom netratrayaayavaushat | klah astraaya phat | bhuurbhuvassuvaromiti digbandhah |

amrita karatalaardrau sarva sanjiivanaadhyaa
avaghaharana sudkshau veda saare mayuukhe|
pranavamaya vikaarau bhaaskaraakaara dehau
satatamanubhave'ham tau balaatiibaleshau ||

 om hriim bale mahaadevi hriim mahaabale
kliim catur vidha purushartha siddhi prade tatsavitur
 varadaatmike hriim varenyam bhargo devasya varadaatmike |
atibale sarva dayaamuurte bale sarva kshud bhrama upanaashini
dhiimahi dhiyoyonarjaate pracuryaa pracodayaatmike pranava shiraskaatmike |
hum phat svaahaa ||
evam vidvaan krita krityo bhavati |
saavitryaa eva salokataam jayati ||
iityupanishat ||

om aapyaayantu mamaangaani vaakpraanashcakshuh
shrotramatho balamindriyaanicasarvani |
sarvam brahmaupanishadam |
maaham brahma niraakuryaam maa maa brahma niraakarot |
aniraakaranamastu aniraakaranam me'stuh tadaatmani
nirate ye upanishatsu dharmaaste mayi santu te mayi santu ||
om shaanti shaanti shaantih |

One more interesting information, Ramayana was created in the 4th - 5th century B. C. , so can you imagine how ancient is this mantra?

  Hari Om Tat Sat!

Saturday, 11 February 2012

What is Prana and what does yoga has to do with it?

Some people are wondering what yoga can give to me? Why have I do all this kind of inhale-exhale exercises, why have I to control the breathing rate during the asanas? What is the difference between yoga and the quick exercise?

There is one answer for all this questions: Prana. Prana is a life energy, that full the universe, the food, the human body, animals, trees etc. Because of prana everything moves in the world. Swami Sivananda said : It is the sum total of all the forces in nature. It is the sum total of all latent forces and powers which are hidden in men and which lie everywhere around us [...] Prana is the link between the astral and physical body” (Swami Sivananda, The science pranayama).
We can find prana everywhere, but some place or things has more prana than others. The most pranaful source is the air. That's why we are feeling good and relaxed during the walk in the wood, in the park or other place where the clean air is. Prana gives us the energy. Those who can control the prana can control the emotions. Pranayamas helps us to fill our body with energy. Because of controlling breathing during asanas we do the same- slowly prana flows all over the body.
The only important difference between asanas and simple physical exercise is the direction of energy. During yoga classes we keep the prana in the body, whereas during the simple exercise the energy goes out, and you feel that you need the rest.

Where can we find prana except in pranayama? Everything that is clean, natural and alive has a prana. Did you noticed that everybody likes the little animals, babies, flowers, fruits, woods and happy people? Why? Because of prana. They are full of clean energy, we fill it, and it's attract us.

But it's not only that we can get prana. We can loose also. The conversation without sense, too much physical activity, heavy food, anger , unhealthy habits, disorder etc makes us to loose prana faster. When you fill depressed, no will to do anything- you need the prana. Then do kapalabhati, go for a walk, eat satvic food.
Than you will enjoy every day, every activity becomes easy to do, prana moves correctly in the nadis.
As Swamiji said Become a Yogi and radiate joy, light and power all around you” (Swami Sivananda, The science pranayama). 

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Sunday's mantra

Finally, we are in the new year ! Hope he will bring you the peace and happiness!
So today is a Sunday, so I thought it can be good to write something special for this day.
Traditionaly, Sunday is a day of Rama. Rama is the greatest king of the solar dynasty. He was the sun of Dasaratha king and his wife Kausalya. It was a great warrior, he had fought Maricha and Tataka demons, he saved his wife Sita from tenheads deamon Ravana. Thats why we see Rama always with a bow in the hand. He is always ready to fight!
Rama is an energy of virtue, truthfulness and perfection in every aspects of the life. There is a lot different mantras to worship Rama. Today, I will share with you one of my favourite mantra to Rama. I learned it when I was on my yoga teachers training. It's a beautiful mantra, easy to read, to sing and it fills the heart and mind with happiness.

Prema Mudita Manase Kaho

Prema Mudita Manase Kaho
Rama Rama Raam
Sri Rama Rama Ram

Papa Kate Dukkha Mite
Lete Rama Nam
Bhava Samudra Sukhadanava
Eke Rama Nam

Sri Rama Rama Raam

Parama Shanti Sukhanidhana
Divya Rama Nam
Niradharako Adhara
Eke Rama Nam

Sri Rama Rama Raam

Parama Gopya Parama Ishta
Mantra Rama Nam
Santa Hridaya Sada Vasata
Eke Rama Nam

Sri Rama Rama Raam

Maha Deva Satata Japata
Divya Rama Nam
Kashi Marata Mukti Karata
Kahata Rama Nam

Sri Rama Rama Raam

Mata Pita Bandhu Sakha
Sabahi Rama Nam
Bhakta Janana Jeevana Dhana
Eke Rama Nam

Sri Rama Rama Raam


With mind filled with love and happiness
Repeat Ram's name

Ram's name burns all sins and sorrows
Ram's name is the only boat 
with which the ocean of Samsara can be crossed

Ram's divine name gives great peace
His name is the only support 
to those who is looking for

His name is the greatest secret and divine mantra
he always resides in the heart of sages

Mahadeva always sings Ram's divine name
Freedom is given by Siva
to those who repeat Ram's name

His name is mother, father, relation, friend and all
Ram's name is life's treasure for the devotees


 To hear how to sing, you can go to this link.

Hari Om Tat Sat!

Shubh raatri and good night or how to sleep

You see the first stars, moon is getting more and more bright...  left and right, left and are still awake, no more sheep to c...