Saturday, 11 February 2012

What is Prana and what does yoga has to do with it?

Some people are wondering what yoga can give to me? Why have I do all this kind of inhale-exhale exercises, why have I to control the breathing rate during the asanas? What is the difference between yoga and the quick exercise?

There is one answer for all this questions: Prana. Prana is a life energy, that full the universe, the food, the human body, animals, trees etc. Because of prana everything moves in the world. Swami Sivananda said : It is the sum total of all the forces in nature. It is the sum total of all latent forces and powers which are hidden in men and which lie everywhere around us [...] Prana is the link between the astral and physical body” (Swami Sivananda, The science pranayama).
We can find prana everywhere, but some place or things has more prana than others. The most pranaful source is the air. That's why we are feeling good and relaxed during the walk in the wood, in the park or other place where the clean air is. Prana gives us the energy. Those who can control the prana can control the emotions. Pranayamas helps us to fill our body with energy. Because of controlling breathing during asanas we do the same- slowly prana flows all over the body.
The only important difference between asanas and simple physical exercise is the direction of energy. During yoga classes we keep the prana in the body, whereas during the simple exercise the energy goes out, and you feel that you need the rest.

Where can we find prana except in pranayama? Everything that is clean, natural and alive has a prana. Did you noticed that everybody likes the little animals, babies, flowers, fruits, woods and happy people? Why? Because of prana. They are full of clean energy, we fill it, and it's attract us.

But it's not only that we can get prana. We can loose also. The conversation without sense, too much physical activity, heavy food, anger , unhealthy habits, disorder etc makes us to loose prana faster. When you fill depressed, no will to do anything- you need the prana. Then do kapalabhati, go for a walk, eat satvic food.
Than you will enjoy every day, every activity becomes easy to do, prana moves correctly in the nadis.
As Swamiji said Become a Yogi and radiate joy, light and power all around you” (Swami Sivananda, The science pranayama). 

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