Body: Put the feet flat on the floor; lift up the chest and the head. Open your chest by putting shoulder blades together. Four important points:
- elbows are band
- elbows are close to the body
- shoulders are pulled away from the ears
- heels together
Breathing: Inhalation
Mantra: ॐ हिरण्यगर्भः नमः
Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namaha
Prostration to Him who contains everything
Hiranyagarbha* means "golden egg", or something which contains everything, the beginning of everything. Sun is the symbol of the universe, round shape is the symbol of fullness, nothing is missing, the Sun is perfect in itself, as like your Self. As soon as you see the fullness of your True Nature you attain the Peace. Just like Surya* you are complete, all the knowledge, peace and bliss are inside, only because of Avidya*(ignorance) you identificate yourself with body, intelect, mind or emotions. It's not easy realise the Self , but it's possible. Swami Sivananda wrotes many many time - practice (sadhana*), constant practice (abhyasa*), even you are disapointed by your weakness, continue with little steps.
*Sanscrit dictionary:
Surya- सूर्य
Avidya- अविद्या
Om Tat Sat
Photos and material sources:
Podręcznik dla Nauczycieli Jogi Sivanandy. Sivananda Ahram Yoga Camp, Val Morin Canada