Mantra is a Simple way to meditate, those who can’t concentrate the mind on the abstract object can read or sing the mantras, it gives the same effect: concentration and peaceful mind. There we are concentrating on the sound, but anyway- this is the mind conquest. Mantra is not only the word or sound, every letter makes the vibration that calm down the body (and the mind of course ), at the same time it purifies the nadis.
In the Ramayana, we can read the next words “And on going one and half yojana distance Vishvamitra addressed Rama in a harmonious voice calling, 'oh, Rama', on the southern riverbank of Sarayu. Take water, my boy, and like that you receive a group of hymns, bala and atibala from me, and let no time lapse.” (Book I Bala-Kanda, Chapter 22)
So, what is the Bala and Atibala mantra that the sage Vishvamitra initiated Rama and his brother Lakshman?
Bala and Atibala mantras remove the thirst and hunger. Vishvamitra said “neither tiredness nor fever, nor disfiguring of personality can effect you” (Book I Bala-Kanda, Chapter 22)
This mantra has one more advantage: the long words to be read really involve a strong concentration :) So your mind makes the good concentration exercise :)
So let see the text :
balaatibalayoh viraat purusha rishih |
gaayatrii devataa | gaayatrii chandah |
akaara okaaramakaaraa biijaadyaah |
kshudhaadi nirasane viniyogah|
klaamityaadi shadanga nyaasah |
klaam angushtaabhyaam namah |
kliim tarjaniibhyaam namah | kluum madhyamaabhaamnamah |
klaim anaamikaabhyaam namah | klom kanishtikaabhaam namah |
klah karatalakaraprishtaabhyaam namah ||klaam hridayaaya namah |
kliim shirase svaahaa | kluum shikhaayaivashat | klaim kavacaaya hum |
klom netratrayaayavaushat | klah astraaya phat | bhuurbhuvassuvaromiti digbandhah |
amrita karatalaardrau sarva sanjiivanaadhyaa
avaghaharana sudkshau veda saare mayuukhe|
pranavamaya vikaarau bhaaskaraakaara dehau
satatamanubhave'ham tau balaatiibaleshau ||
om hriim bale mahaadevi hriim mahaabale
kliim catur vidha purushartha siddhi prade tatsavitur
varadaatmike hriim varenyam bhargo devasya varadaatmike |
atibale sarva dayaamuurte bale sarva kshud bhrama upanaashini
dhiimahi dhiyoyonarjaate pracuryaa pracodayaatmike pranava shiraskaatmike |
hum phat svaahaa ||
evam vidvaan krita krityo bhavati |
saavitryaa eva salokataam jayati ||
iityupanishat ||
om aapyaayantu mamaangaani vaakpraanashcakshuh
shrotramatho balamindriyaanicasarvani |
sarvam brahmaupanishadam |
maaham brahma niraakuryaam maa maa brahma niraakarot |
aniraakaranamastu aniraakaranam me'stuh tadaatmani
nirate ye upanishatsu dharmaaste mayi santu te mayi santu ||
om shaanti shaanti shaantih |
One more interesting information, Ramayana was created in the 4th - 5th century B. C. , so can you imagine how ancient is this mantra?
Hari Om Tat Sat!