Friday, 30 May 2014

Surya Namaskar. Posture n. 9

Posture n. 9 is same as posture n. 4 - Ashwa Sanchalanasana

Mantra: ॐ आदित्याय नमः (Om Adityaya Namaha)
               Prostration to Aditya's son.

Aditi- the mother of all Gods, the source of life.

Mixed action
Actions are of three kinds
Viz., good, bad and mixed.
Good Karmas make you a God in heaven;
Bad Karmas throw you in lower wombs;
Mixed actions give you a human birth.
If you rob a man and feed the poor,
It is a mixed action.
If you earn money by unlawful means
And build a temple or hospital,
This is a mixed action.
If you get money by cheating a man
And construct an Ashram for Sannyasins,
This is also a mixed action.

Swami Sivananda. Wisdom in humour

Friday, 9 May 2014

Surya Namaskar. Posture n. 8

Posture n. 8 Adho Mukha Svanasana

Body: Hips up, knees and arms are straight. Pull heels to the floor and chest towards the feets. Head down.

Breathing: Exhalation

Mantra:  ॐ मरीचये नम: (Om Marichaye Namaha)
              Prostration to Him who possesses rays

"Practising Surya Namaskar, facing the rising sun, in the early morning hours 
strengthens the eyes and removes all sorts of eye defects. It produces lustre in the practitioner's face and eyes. The practitioner will enjoy good eye-sight even in old age."

    Swami Sadasivananda Salutations to the sun "Sivananda Yoga Life" spring 2011

On the picture Swami Vishnudevananda from "Complete illustrated book of Yoga"

Shubh raatri and good night or how to sleep

You see the first stars, moon is getting more and more bright...  left and right, left and are still awake, no more sheep to c...