Monday, 24 December 2012

Become a bee for a moment or Bhramari practise

One of my favourite pranayama (after kapalabhati :)  is Bhramari. It's quite funny, that's why it's also very good for the children (they like do it ) . Bhramari can be the first pranayama for them.
Bhramara means "bee" , because during exhale we are making the humming sound and it's really beautiful sound when 10 or more persons doing it.

There how Swami Sivananda writing "Sit on Padmasana or Siddhasana. Inhale rapidly through both nostrils making sound of Bhramara, the bee, and exhale rapidly through both nostrils, making the humming sound. You can carry the process till the body is bathed in respiration. In the and inhale through both nostrils, retain the breath as long as you can  do it comfortably and then axhale slowly through both nostrils(...)"

 Thanks to increased circulation of blood this pranayama heat the body, so it's very good exercise for this winter .

*Swami Sivananda "The science of pranayama"

Shubh raatri and good night or how to sleep

You see the first stars, moon is getting more and more bright...  left and right, left and are still awake, no more sheep to c...