Sunday, 1 January 2012

Sunday's mantra

Finally, we are in the new year ! Hope he will bring you the peace and happiness!
So today is a Sunday, so I thought it can be good to write something special for this day.
Traditionaly, Sunday is a day of Rama. Rama is the greatest king of the solar dynasty. He was the sun of Dasaratha king and his wife Kausalya. It was a great warrior, he had fought Maricha and Tataka demons, he saved his wife Sita from tenheads deamon Ravana. Thats why we see Rama always with a bow in the hand. He is always ready to fight!
Rama is an energy of virtue, truthfulness and perfection in every aspects of the life. There is a lot different mantras to worship Rama. Today, I will share with you one of my favourite mantra to Rama. I learned it when I was on my yoga teachers training. It's a beautiful mantra, easy to read, to sing and it fills the heart and mind with happiness.

Prema Mudita Manase Kaho

Prema Mudita Manase Kaho
Rama Rama Raam
Sri Rama Rama Ram

Papa Kate Dukkha Mite
Lete Rama Nam
Bhava Samudra Sukhadanava
Eke Rama Nam

Sri Rama Rama Raam

Parama Shanti Sukhanidhana
Divya Rama Nam
Niradharako Adhara
Eke Rama Nam

Sri Rama Rama Raam

Parama Gopya Parama Ishta
Mantra Rama Nam
Santa Hridaya Sada Vasata
Eke Rama Nam

Sri Rama Rama Raam

Maha Deva Satata Japata
Divya Rama Nam
Kashi Marata Mukti Karata
Kahata Rama Nam

Sri Rama Rama Raam

Mata Pita Bandhu Sakha
Sabahi Rama Nam
Bhakta Janana Jeevana Dhana
Eke Rama Nam

Sri Rama Rama Raam


With mind filled with love and happiness
Repeat Ram's name

Ram's name burns all sins and sorrows
Ram's name is the only boat 
with which the ocean of Samsara can be crossed

Ram's divine name gives great peace
His name is the only support 
to those who is looking for

His name is the greatest secret and divine mantra
he always resides in the heart of sages

Mahadeva always sings Ram's divine name
Freedom is given by Siva
to those who repeat Ram's name

His name is mother, father, relation, friend and all
Ram's name is life's treasure for the devotees


 To hear how to sing, you can go to this link.

Hari Om Tat Sat!

Shubh raatri and good night or how to sleep

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